What is Tunia Massage
Tuina is based on the concept of vital life force energy that flows along channels in the body called" qi" to specific energy points. Tunia is similar to reflexology and the concept of stretching and acupoint. It enhanced the knowledge and experience of specialists in the use of therapeutic massage in treating certain disease. Based of traditional Chinese massage , the human body remains healthy when it maintains it's balance of energy of the universe. Any imbalance in flow will result in sickness. Working on the energy point can relieve blockage and imbalance in the energy channels. When the energy flows and is in balance, your feeling of well being is restored. You feel good, energized, relaxed and free from pain and stiffness.
Muscles provide movement of the skeleton by contracting and relaxing.emotional tension, over exertion and traumas can cause a muscle to become tense, contract, and shorten causing stiffness, ache and pains. Tension also creates an imbalance of force on the spine, resulting in back pain, neck pain and head aches which speed the aging process. Massage and stretching will cause the nervous system to release endorphins. The endorphins can relieve pain and produce powerful feeling of health and well being